Автоматизация SteamCMD в Linux

#1 2014.12.27 11:04:12


Есть два варианта автоматизации SteamCMD. (замените steamcmd на ./steamcmd.sh для Linux)

1. Добавление команд в строку запуска. Примеры:
steamcmd +login anonymous +force_install_dir ../csgo_ds +app_update 740 validate +quit
steamcmd +login anonymous +force_install_dir ../czero +app_set_config 90 mod czero +app_update 90 +quit
steamcmd +login <username> <password> +force_install_dir c:\KFServer\ +app_update 215350 validate +quit

2. Создание скрипта
a. Создайте текстовый файл с последовательностью команд для SteamCMD
// update_csgo_ds.txt
@ShutdownOnFailedCommand 1 //Установите 0 для обновления нескольких серверов за раз
@NoPromptForPassword 1
login <username> <password>
//для загрузки серверов, не требующих авторизации
//login anonymous
force_install_dir ../csgo_ds
app_update 740 validate

b. Запустите SteamCMD с параметром +runscript Пример:
steamcmd +runscript csgo_ds.txt

Пример bat-файла для Windows

:: SteamCMD Guardian 1.2 ::
:: ckynick254 ::
set programname=SteamCMD Guardian 1.1
set servername=
set username=
set password=
:: Your folder ::
:: Replace after = ::
set runcmd=E:\Games\

:: End of variables ::

:: This will keep the window clean and easy to read
@ECHO off

:: Sets the title of the window
title %programname% - %servername%

:: Clears the window incase there is anything there
CD %runcmd%

:: Prints to the window what we are doing
ECHO %programname% has been started!
ECHO ##############################################################
ECHO # Dedicated Server #
ECHO # 1 - Half-Life: Deathmatch and Counter-Strike #
ECHO # 2 - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive #
ECHO # 3 - Nuclear Dawn Dedicated Server #
ECHO # 4 - Red Orchestra Dedicated Server #
ECHO # 5 - Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad Dedicated Server #
ECHO # 6 - Killing Floor Dedicated Server #
ECHO # 7 - Team Fortress 2 Dedicated Server Beta #
ECHO # 8 - HELP! #
ECHO # 9 - Exit #
ECHO ##############################################################

:: Delete variable %A%
SET "A="
SET /P A=Set Your Choice And Press Enter:
ECHO Loading .........
IF "%A%"=="1" set app=90
IF "%A%"=="2" set app=740
IF "%A%"=="3" set app=111710
IF "%A%"=="4" set app=223240
IF "%A%"=="5" set app=212542
IF "%A%"=="6" set app=215350
IF "%A%"=="7" set app=229830
IF "%A%"=="8" ECHO.
IF "%A%"=="8" ECHO https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD
IF "%A%"=="8" ECHO.
IF "%A%"=="8" PAUSE
IF "%A%"=="8" goto start
IF "%A%"=="9" EXIT

:: This is a return point in case the server crashes or is closed
ECHO (%date%)(%time%) %servername% is now ONLINE
ECHO Watching %servername% for crashes...
>> "%servername%.log" ECHO.
>> "%servername%.log" ECHO (%date%)(%time%) %servername% is now ONLINE
>> "%servername%.log" ECHO (%date%)(%time%) Watching %servername% for crashes...

::Start the actual update window
start /wait steamcmd +login %username% %password% +force_install_dir %runcmd%%app%Server\ +app_update %app% validate
ECHO (%time%) WARNING: srcds closed or crashed, restarting.
ECHO (%date%)(%time%) Crash or Close detected!
ECHO %servername% is now restarting...
>> "%servername%.log" ECHO.
>> "%servername%.log" ECHO (%date%)(%time%) Crash or Close detected!
>> "%servername%.log" ECHO (%date%)(%time%) %servername% is now restarting...

::Server crashed or closed, so we point it to the return point to start the server again
GOTO restart